7 And 11 Dice

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Before you play any dice game it is good to know the probability of any given total to be thrown. First lets look at the possibilities of the total of two dice. The table below shows the six possibilities for die 1 along the left column and the six possibilities for die 2 along the top column. The body of the table shows the sum of die 1 and die 2.

Two Dice Totals

Sevens, elevens, and doubles (also referred to as ' 7s, 11s, and doubles ', ' 7/11/2x ', sloppy dice or hero.) is a drinking game played with two dice. The game can be played with as few as two people, but is usually played in a group of five or more. The object of the games is to roll a 7, 11 or any double. 'Aw, Picked last?' - Dice 'Whatever.' - Dicey 1 Personality 1.1 Dice 1.2 Dicey 2 Appearance 3 Trivia 4 Deaths Dice is nice and see's the best in most people. She is nice to everyone, especially her brother Dicey. She's also shown to be wiser than Dicey in OTA 7, where she suggests using one of the power ups instead of jumping to the other building Dice is the only one female on team The.

Die 1Die 2

The colors of the body of the table illustrate the number of ways to throw each total. The probability of throwing any given total is the number of ways to throw that total divided by the total number of combinations (36). In the following table the specific number of ways to throw each total and the probability of throwing that total is shown.

TotalNumber of

The following shows the probability of throwing each total in a chart format. As the chart shows the closer the total is to 7 the greater is the probability of it being thrown.

The Field Bet Example

Now that we understand the probability of throwing each total we can apply this information to the dice games in the casinos to calculate the house edge. For example consider the field bet in craps. This bet pays 1:1 (even money) if the next throw is a 3, 4, 9, 10, or 11, 2:1 (double the bet) on the 2, and 3:1 (triple the bet) on the 12. Note that there are 7 totals that win and only 4 that lose which might cause someone who didn't know better to think it was a good gamble.

The player's return can be defined as the sum of the products of the probability of each event and the net return of that event. The following table shows each possible total, the net return, the probability of throwing that total, and the average return. The average return is the product of the net return and the probability. The player's return is the sum of the average returns.

TotalNet ReturnProbabilityAverage Return

The last row shows the player's return to be -.0278, in other words for every $1 bet the player can expect to lose 2.78 cents. The player's loss is the house's gain so the house edge is the product of -1 and the player's return, in this case 0.0278 or 2.78%.

For the probabilities in the sum of more than two dice please see my probabilities for 1 to 25 dice section.

7 11 dice tattoo
AndWritten by: Michael Shackleford Themes
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7-11-Doubles also known as 'Pound' is a fun simple drinking game. This game is played with anywhere between three to ten players and dice are used to see who will be drinking next.

What You Need

  • 2 Dice
  • Empty Glass
  • Beer or Liquor
  • Table

Setting Up

Place the empty glass in the center of the table. Fill the glass three-quarters of the way full of beer or if you prefer substitute beer for a liquor mix drink. Then have all the players gather around the table to start the game with a beer in front of them.

Basic Rules

First, choose a person to start the game (normally host of the party) and give them both of the dice. This person becomes The Roller. The Roller then rolls both of the dice and based on what is rolled two actions that can occur.

If the Roller rolls a 7, a 11 or doubles then they get to pick anyone else playing the game and this person becomes The Drinker. The Drinker now has to finish, as quickly as he can, the glass that is in the center of the table. From the moment The Drinker touches the glass to the moment he puts it down empty, The Roller keeps rolling the dice over and over again. If The Roller gets another 7, 11 or doubles then the glass is refilled and The Drinker needs to start chugging all over again but if The Roller does not roll another 7, 11 or doubles while The Drinker is chugging then the turn is over. Once the turn is over The Roller refills the glass and the dice are handed to the player on the left. This player is now the new Roller.

If the Roller does not roll a 7, a 11 or doubles then they have to take a drink from their own beer and hand the dice to the player on the left. This player now becomes the new Roller

* One average is takes about four rolls to get either a 7, a 11 or doubles and a fast Roller can roll once a second. That means if you are The Drinker you need to finish your drink real fast!

Extra Rules

654 Dice Game Rules

All of these extra rules described below are optional but can be fun to implement as you get used to playing the game.

7 11 Dice Rules

If The Roller touches the dice before The Drinker touches the glass once The Drinker is selected then they switch rolls. The Roller becomes The Drinker and The Drinker becomes The Roller. This can be fun since as the game goes on it can get easier and easier to trick The Roller to grab the dice before The Drinker touches the glass.

Other players can touch the dice with their glass in order to help The Drinker if they feel sorry for them.

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